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Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers in Sunrise Manor NV

When a negligent nursing home facility allows your loved one to be abused, you might be able to receive compensation for their wrongdoing.

A Sunrise Manor nursing home abuse lawyer might be able to help you if you suspect abuse in your loved one’s nursing home. Call High Stakes Injury Law today for a free consultation to find out whether you and your family can pursue financial recovery for your losses. You can reach a member of our team today at (702) 707-5934 for more information.

What a Sunrise Manor Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Can Do for You

If you notice the signs of nursing home abuse, report it to the facility’s management, and they do nothing to fix it, here is where a nursing home abuse lawyer comes in.

We can help you hold the facility accountable to protect your loved one and other residents and work toward getting you compensation for your losses. Here are some ways a nursing home abuse lawyer can help you:

Investigate the Facility

A lawyer can look into the facility’s actions and gather evidence of abuse. Some of the evidence a lawyer will look for in a nursing home abuse case includes:

  • Photo or video evidence of the abuse
  • Witness accounts of abuse
  • Other residents’ allegations of abuse
  • Past cases against the facility
  • Background checking your loved one’s abuser
  • Looking into your loved one’s medical records

If you have any evidence of your loved one’s abuse already, it can be good to have this handy for your initial consultation. This can help a law firm determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your losses.

Build a Case Against the Negligent Party

A lawyer can then take the evidence of abuse and build a case against the nursing home facility. They must prove the nursing home’s negligence by showing the following:

  • The nursing home had a duty to care for your loved one
  • The nursing home failed in that duty
  • The nursing home’s failure led to your loved one’s abuse
  • Your loved one’s abuse led to injuries and other losses

Every nursing home resident is entitled to live their lives free of abuse and neglect under federal law 42 USC §1395i-3. If the nursing home allowed your loved one’s abuse to occur, we could build a case to show it.

Handle Communications

Your nursing home abuse lawyer can also communicate with everyone associated with your claim, including the facility, their legal representatives, their insurance company, and others.

This can often be the most helpful aspect of hiring a lawyer. Sometimes, victims and their families say things that indicate their injuries and losses are somehow less severe than they actually are, leading to a lower settlement or verdict. A lawyer knows what to say to show to the involved parties that you deserve compensation.

Work to Get You Compensation

Your lawyer can also work to get you compensation either through an insurance claim, settlement, or lawsuit. You might be entitled to compensation for the following losses:

  • Medical bills
  • Nursing home relocation costs
  • Reimbursement for your loved one’s treatment
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Past and future mental anguish

Settlement amounts will vary from case to case, but a lawyer can tell you what compensation you might be entitled to and work to get it for you.

Nevada Statute of Limitations for Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Each state has a different statute of limitations or deadline for bringing lawsuits for nursing home abuse claims. Nevada’s statute of limitations for nursing home abuse claims holds a deadline of one year following the date of the negligence occurring, according to NRS §41A.097(2).

If you wait too long to file a lawsuit for damages following your loved one’s injury, the court can dismiss your case, and you will not be able to recover anything. Calling a law firm as soon as possible following the discovery of your loved one’s abuse can help ensure you do not miss the deadline.

It is important to act quickly because it can take a while to build a case, negotiate for a settlement, and decide to file a lawsuit if negotiations do not work out.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

When you suspect something is going on in your loved one’s nursing home, look for the following signs, as they can indicate that your loved one is being abused:

  • Unexplainable injuries, such as bedsores, bruises, or lacerations
  • Rapid weight loss (this could be a sign of malnutrition)
  • Fear around a certain person in the facility
  • Dirty common areas in the facility
  • Poor hygiene or unkempt personal appearance
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Withdrawal from social activities

If your loved one makes an accusation of nursing home abuse, you should take this seriously and report it to the nursing home management right away. If you can gather any evidence of your loved one’s abuse or notice any behaviors mentioned above, this could help your case.

Call an Attorney Today

We can help you gather evidence, negotiate a settlement, and, if need be, file a lawsuit on your behalf. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay us a percentage of your settlement only if we win in your case. Call a member of the High Stakes Injury Law team today for your free case evaluation at (702) 707-5934.

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