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Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers in Las Vegas

It’s a terrifying reality, but rates of nursing home neglect skyrocketed when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Many facilities simply didn’t have the workforce necessary to protect their residents in an appropriate way. Things are starting to go back to normal, but unfortunately, there are still elderly individuals in harm’s way. If you believe your loved one has been victimized, a nursing home negligence lawyer in Las Vegas may be able to help.

At High Stakes Injury Law, we have spent decades trying to restore the dignity and safety of assisted care facilities. We’ve strived for this goal by aggressively representing those who have suffered injuries due to negligence in nursing homes. While negligence and abuse may not be the same things, the former can certainly lead to the latter. To better understand your loved one’s rights, contact our law firm today to schedule a free consultation. 

What Is Nursing Home Negligence?

The terms abuse, negligence, and neglect are often used interchangeably when discussing issues in nursing homes. However, there are stark differences between them. Abuse typically involves direct and willful actions (e.g., slapping, intimidation, sexual abuse). Neglect occurs when residents are not properly cared for (e.g., failure to provide care, dehydration). However, negligence can lead to both of these issues. 

That’s because nursing home negligence essentially covers any careless or derelict act that can cause harm. For instance, a facility may engage in negligent hiring practices — and this could lead to sexual predators working on staff. Similarly, negligent staffing could result in residents receiving substandard care as employees become increasingly overworked. 

A nursing home negligence lawyer in Las Vegas can help you better understand the specifics of your elderly loved one’s case — and whether they may be entitled to compensation. 

How Can You Identify Nursing Home Negligence?

Identifying nursing home abuse and negligence can sometimes be difficult, but in many cases, it starts with a discussion with your loved one. Unfortunately, they may not always be forthcoming — or they may have been targeted due to the fact that they wouldn’t remember such abuse. If you suspect something is amiss and your loved one cannot confirm, however, watching for the following warning signs can help:

  • Malnutrition or dehydration 
  • Bedsores 
  • Behavioral changes 
  • Unexplained bruising 
  • Venereal diseases or anal/vaginal bleeding 
  • Lack/loss of mobility 
  • Poor hygiene 
  • Physical injuries 
  • Insomnia 
  • Burns 
  • Broken bones 
  • Untreated or new medical conditions

It’s important to remember that these signs do not always mean that abuse is occurring. For instance, a resident could easily experience a bruised arm even when negligence is not occurring. However, you should always take these red flags seriously and discuss issues with the facility. If you still believe problems exist, you can contact Nevada’s Adult Protective Services by calling (888) 729-0571. 

If you believe a loved one or other residents are at risk of imminent harm, though, contacting the local police is the right move. Regardless of who you reach out to now, however, your next call should always be to a nursing home negligence lawyer in Las Vegas. 

Who Is Responsible for Nursing Home Negligence?

Proving nursing home negligence is very different than proving that abuse or neglect occurred. That’s because abuse and neglect often happen on an individual level. Perhaps the facility did everything it could to safeguard residents, but improper acts by a staff member still caused harm. If you can prove that neglect or abuse resulted from negligence by the facility, though, it may be possible to hold them financially accountable. 

Put simply, it comes down to proving liability. If you can show that the actions or inaction of a party caused harm to a resident, the party that engaged in that behavior may be considered liable. In some cases, only wrongful acts on the part of an individual may be possible to prove. However, speaking with a Las Vegas nursing home negligence lawyer might be the right approach, regardless of specific circumstances. 

Our law firm may be able to help you identify liability for parties you never expected. Contact us today to discuss your loved one’s case, free of charge.  

Contact a Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer in Las Vegas Today

Negligence in nursing homes can occur in a variety of ways. Regardless of the underlying factors, though, such actions or inaction are never appropriate. Unfortunately, negligence can be more difficult to prove than outright abuse. This is why having a Las Vegas personal injury attorney on your side can prove invaluable. 

At High Stakes Injury Law, our legal team has spent four decades serving the people of Clark County and the surrounding area. We’ve seen what can happen when negligence, abuse, and neglect occur in assisted living facilities, and we know the only way to stop such issues is through accountability. 

If you believe your loved one is being harmed, our nursing home negligence lawyers in Las Vegas are ready to help. Contact us today by calling (702) 707-5934 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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