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Why Is Physical Therapy Necessary After A Car Accident?

November 23, 2022

Why Is Physical Therapy Necessary After A Car Accident?

Why Is Physical Therapy Necessary After A Car Accident?

You may face a long road to recovery if you’ve been injured in a car accident. The force of a crash can leave victims with shattered bones, whiplash, spinal issues, and more. These injuries can seriously impede your ability to perform daily tasks or return to work. They can also cause excruciating pain and difficulty sleeping. As part of your recovery, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. If your treatment plan calls for regular meetings with a physical therapist, it is crucial that you follow through with the appointments to potentially improve your health and also support your personal injury claim.

What Are the Benefits of Physical Therapy After a Car Accident?

Physical therapy can be an essential part of recovering from any injury, including the physical damage caused by a car accident. Some patients may feel anxious about the potential discomfort or cost of therapy sessions, while others wonder if any tangible benefits can be gained from regular physical therapy. However, there are many scientifically-backed reasons for engaging in consistent physical therapy after your accident, including:

  • Faster recovery times.
  • Reduced dependence on painkillers.
  • Improved mental health.
  • Prevention of further damage from falls or strains.
  • Potential to avoid future surgeries.

Aside from these benefits, it also establishes a pattern of care for your injuries. Your participation in therapy can be used as proof that you are not overstating your injuries and shows that you have taken good-faith measures to improve your well-being. It also helps your doctors and lawyers determine what future care you may require for your injuries, which can then be factored into your car accident settlement.

What if I’m Concerned About Paying for Physical Therapy?

The cost of physical therapy may seem daunting, particularly if you are out of work due to your car accident injuries and already face mounting medical bills. However, getting proper physical therapy is an investment in your future health and can often lessen the duration and severity of your pain and suffering. All expenses for your current and ongoing therapy can be included as part of your settlement demand because they are considered medical bills. As noted above, your consistent participation in physical therapy can provide a critical boost to your claim by nullifying some of the most common defense tactics used by insurance companies, such as downplaying the severity of your injuries and claiming that you didn’t put a serious effort into your healing process.

How Can a Law Firm Help You Get the Medical Care You Need?

You deserve the best possible medical care after your accident. Whether you require surgery, visits with specialists, or physical therapy, it all plays a vital role in your recovery. Unfortunately, doctors and physical therapy practitioners may sometimes hesitate to provide care before your claim is resolved. In these cases, our legal team can help you explore options such as medical liens, which can allow you to get the prompt care you need by giving your medical providers the right to collect their fees after you’ve received your settlement. Our trusted representation for vehicular collision cases in Las Vegas are here to assist you if you have any questions about getting physical therapy or any other required medical care after a car accident. Contact our office at (702) 707-5934 today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

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