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What Percentage Do Truck Accident Lawyers Take?

November 22, 2022

The percentage that truck accident lawyers take for their legal services may vary between each lawyer or firm. The American Bar Association (ABA) explains that this fee is generally in the range of 33% or one-third of your winnings from a settlement or judgment. While this fee may be higher for some lawyers, the percentage that your lawyer commands may generally not be greater than 40%.

Lawyers may provide many services in exchange for this percentage of winnings, which is referred to as a contingency fee.

Why Truck Accident Lawyers Work on Contingency

A contingency fee is the percentage of your settlement or judgment that your truck accident lawyer takes. A contingency fee is an alternative to an hourly rate or another type of pay structure that other lawyers may use.

Contingency fees may have several benefits. Contingency fees may allow lawyers to accept cases based on the merits of those cases rather than other factors like the financial resources of their clients. The following are benefits of contingency fees.

Clients Do Not Have to Pay Anything Upfront

Lawyers only collect contingency fees after their client’s case is complete. This is the only possible way for contingency fees to work because a contingency fee comes out of any settlement or judgment that you receive as a client.

As a client, you do not have to pay anything upfront to your lawyer. You also do not have to pay your lawyer from your own pocket because your lawyer does not receive any compensation if they do not obtain a settlement or judgment for you.

Lawyers Have a Strong Incentive to Win Your Case

A lawyer who works for a contingency fee does not receive any payment for their services unless you receive a settlement or judgment. This means that a lawyer has a personal incentive to win for their client.

Some lawyers may receive payment for their services regardless of whether they secure a positive outcome for their clients. This is not the case for lawyers who work for a contingency fee.

Contingency fees may level the field for clients, as lawyers do not have to choose clients based on their financial situation. If your case is one that is worthy of a lawsuit or insurance claim, then you may be able to retain a lawyer thanks in part to contingency fees.

What You Receive in Exchange for a Contingency Fee

There is a reason that, as a client, you agree to have your lawyer take a percentage of your winnings. In exchange for the contingency, your lawyer will handle all of the duties required to complete a lawsuit or insurance claim. Most clients may not need to participate significantly in their lawsuit.

Your duties may only include:

  • Completing a free consultation
  • Speaking with your lawyer to explain your account of your truck accident
  • Making certain on-the-record statements

Though every case and client is unique, your lawyer may handle the vast majority of responsibilities related to your lawsuit.

How a Lawyer May Help in the Days Following Your Accident

The minutes, hours, and days immediately after your accident may be critically important. A lawyer will ensure that you take the steps necessary to preserve your rights during this crucial time. Following your accident, your lawyer may:

  • Defend you from insurance companies trying to get you to admit fault
  • Help you receive medical attention
  • Obtain documentation of your accident and medical care
  • Help you craft statements for insurance companies

As more time passes, your lawyer will continue to assist you in various ways.

Additional Duties of a Truck Accident Lawyer

Your lawyer will begin seeking compensation for you once they assure your safety and determine who is responsible for your losses. Some of the duties that your lawyer may handle are:

  • Reviewing insurance policies
  • Determining whether insurance will, or should, cover your accident-related losses
  • Filing an insurance claim
  • Handling all dealings with insurance representatives
  • Filing a lawsuit if insurance does not cover you
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Collecting evidence
  • Hiring experts
  • Negotiating a settlement
  • Completing a trial

Call a Truck Accident Lawyer on Our Team Today

Every client may have a different experience after their truck accident. While some may receive compensation through insurance, others may need to file a lawsuit to pursue the level of compensation that they deserve. Your experience will also be unique, and a lawyer can guide you through every step of your post-accident path for justice.

Call an attorney on our team today at (702) 707-5934 at no cost to you.

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