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What Is Considered a Serious Injury in a Car Accident?

November 23, 2022

What Is Considered a Serious Injury in a Car Accident? | Car Accidents | High Stakes Injury Law

An injury in a car accident is considered serious if it left you disabled, with medical bills, and without being able to return to work. Some states will not allow you to claim personal injury damages for a car accident if your injury is not serious. While you do not have to be seriously injured in Las Vegas, Nevada, to file a claim for losses, you might be more likely to win a settlement if you are.

Some of the most common serious injuries that can result from a car accident, according to the Mayo Clinic, include:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back, knee, neck, and shoulder injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Broken leg
  • Broken arm
  • Broken rib
  • Hip fracture

Any of the above injuries can cause high medical bills, pain and suffering, and time off of work.

Injuries that Result in Medical Bills

One aspect of filing a personal injury claim is showing that you have tangible losses on top of your past and future pain and suffering. These tangible losses can include medical bills.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a trip to the hospital for a car accident where you are treated and released costs on average $3,362 over a patient’s lifetime. If you were hospitalized after your accident, the average cost was $56,674 over a lifetime.

If you suffered serious injuries and spent time in the hospital because of a car accident that someone else caused, you might be able to recover those losses in an insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or through a personal injury lawsuit.

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Injuries that Prevent You from Working

The costs for a serious injury do not stop at medical bills. When you’re left unable to work from a car accident, bills can pile up quickly, and your debt might be compounding as a result. However, if you missed paychecks because of your injuries that someone else caused, you can claim those in a personal injury lawsuit.

You might also be entitled to the savings contributions you missed out on because of your injuries and other losses. You can also claim compensation for your future loss of earning capacity if you aren’t able to do the same job you were before the accident.

Injuries that Disable You

If you are left partially or totally disabled from an accident that someone else negligently caused, this obviously qualifies you to file a personal injury lawsuit.

A disability can affect your everyday life and change every aspect of how you functioned before the accident. You could recover compensation for the past and future pain and suffering associated with your disability. You might also be able to recover compensation for more nuanced losses associated with your disability, including:

  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of household services
  • Loss of ability to do an activity you enjoyed before the accident

You could recover compensation for any way in which your disability has negatively impacted your life.

Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today

A Lawyer Can Help You Pursue Compensation

A lawyer can help you show that your car accident injury is considered serious by speaking with your doctor and expert witnesses, showing all of your medical bills, and illustrating the ways the injury has affected your life.

An Insurance Company Might Try to Downplay Your Losses

Having a car accident lawyer on your side while filing a personal injury claim with the liable party’s insurance company can be helpful for many reasons. One of the most important things a lawyer can do for you is communicate with the insurance company because they might try to argue your injuries are less severe than they actually are or argue that the accident did not cause your injuries.

A lawyer knows how to build a case properly to show that a personal injury victim is entitled to compensation, and they can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. All you have to worry about is your recovery.

Your personal injury attorney can also ensure that you file before the statute of limitations—the deadline for filing a lawsuit—in your state. In Nevada, you generally have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit following a car accident, according to NRS §11.190(4)(e). If you wait too long to file, the court can legally bar you from taking action against the liable party.

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Call High Stakes Injury Law for a Free Consultation Today

If you suffered an injury in a car accident that is considered serious and want to hold the liable party accountable for your losses, High Stakes Injury Law might be able to help you. Call a member of our team today for a free consultation to see whether we can help you hold the negligent driver accountable by dialing (702) 707-5934.

Call or text (855) 605-2959 or complete a Free Case Review form

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