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Understanding the Different Types of Premises Liability Claims

October 10, 2023

What Are Premises Liability Claims?

Premises liability claims are the cornerstone of holding property owners accountable for your safety. These claims are legal actions initiated by individuals who’ve had the misfortune of suffering injuries on someone else’s property—be it a retail store, a neighbor’s home, or even a public park—due to the property owner’s negligence. In simpler terms, if you trip over a loose carpet in a hotel lobby and sprain your wrist, you could have a premises liability case.

Property owners are bound by law to maintain a safe space for visitors, guests, or even trespassers in some cases. When they fail to do so, they can be held financially responsible for your medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses.

What Are the Different Types of Premises Liability Claims?

There are many different premises liability claims, each with its own unique circumstances and legal hoops to jump through:

1. Slip and Fall Accidents: Imagine walking into a grocery store and slipping on a puddle of water from a leaking freezer—you’re looking at a classic case of a slip and fall accident. These occur due to a host of hazardous conditions, such as wet floors, poorly maintained carpets, or even dim lighting that obscures obstacles.
2. Negligent Security: Ever felt uneasy in a dimly lit parking garage? Property owners are required to ensure adequate security measures, like functional surveillance cameras and secure locks, to protect visitors from foreseeable criminal acts like assault or theft.
3. Defective Conditions: Picture climbing a set of stairs only to have a step give way beneath you, causing you to tumble. This claim arises from defective or unsafe conditions like rickety stairs, broken handrails, or even a precarious stack of merchandise in a retail store.
4. Dog Bites: In Nevada, it doesn’t matter if Fluffy has never so much as growled before. If a dog bites you on its owner’s property, Nevada’s strict liability rules mean that the owner could be liable for your injuries, no questions asked.

What Are the Legal Considerations for Premises Liability Laws in Nevada?

Navigating the labyrinthine laws of Nevada can be tricky, so here are a few signposts to guide you:
1. Statute of Limitations: Time is of the essence. You generally have just two years from the date of the injury to file your claim. Miss that deadline, and your case could be as dead as a doornail.
2. Comparative Negligence: In Nevada, blame can be a two-way street. If you’re found even slightly responsible for your own injuries—say, you were texting while walking—you might see your compensation trimmed down proportionally.

Do I Have to Prove the Property Owner Knew About the Hazardous Condition?

One of the basic questions regarding a premises liability claim is whether a claimant must prove that the property owner was aware of the hazardous condition that led to the injury. The answer is nuanced and can vary based on jurisdiction and the specifics of the case. You don’t always have to prove that the property owner had direct knowledge of the condition; however, you may need to show that they “should have known” about it through reasonable care and maintenance practices.

For example, if you slipped on a spill in a supermarket, it may be unreasonable to expect the property owner to know about the spill immediately after it occurred. However, if surveillance footage shows that the spill was present for a long time without being addressed, it strengthens your argument that the property owner or their employees should have been aware of the hazard and acted to correct it. In such cases, the term “constructive knowledge” often comes into play, suggesting that while the owner may not have known specifically about the hazard, they should have discovered it through regular inspections or maintenance.

By consulting with a skilled lawyer, you can determine what kind of evidence may be necessary for your premises liability claim.

How Can an Experienced Lawyer Help?

Here’s how an experienced attorney can help:

1. Investigating the Incident: Think of them as your personal detectives, scouring the scene, collecting evidence, and even interviewing witnesses to build a robust case.
2. Assessing Liability: Your lawyer will sift through the intricacies of your case, sniffing out all potentially liable parties—from the property owner to a negligent cleaning service.
3. Negotiating with Insurance Companies: You don’t have to take on the Goliath insurance companies alone. Your attorney will be your David, sling-shotting for the highest possible compensation.
4. Representing You in Court: If push comes to shove, your lawyer will be your champion in the courtroom, armed with evidence and expertise to bolster your case.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property, call High Stakes Injury Law at (702) 707-5934 for a free case review.

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