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Should I Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?

November 22, 2022

Should I Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?

If there were no injuries or property damage involved, you should not have to hire a truck accident lawyer for a minor accident. The reality is, very few collisions with commercial trucks are minor. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), more than 4,000 motorists are killed in truck accidents each year.

If you have suffered bodily injuries or property damage in a collision with a large truck, you should talk to an attorney right away. Even seemingly minor injuries could rapidly become more serious. The sooner you seek medical treatment and protect your legal rights, the better prepared you will be to seek justice for your injuries.

Determining the Potential Value of Your Claim

The potential value of your personal injury claim will often determine whether you should hire an attorney or not. While you have the right to negotiate your claim by yourself, negotiating a settlement on your own can become overwhelming. If you believe your damages are minimal, you may be tempted to accept a settlement that does not compensate you fairly.

There are numerous reasons why negotiating a settlement on your own can be risky. The insurance adjuster may deny your claim outright or seek evidence to diminish your claim and offer you an unfair settlement.

Any casual statement when discussing your case with the insurance company could be used against you, even if it is taken out of context. The adjuster could even use something you say as a reason to deny your claim entirely.

Meeting Your Legal Deadlines

There are strict legal deadlines and requirements that go into every personal injury lawsuit. The failure to comply with these requirements could result in the dismissal of your claim forever. If you are facing a potential legal deadline or are unsure about the technical requirements of your claim, hiring an attorney can help.

The most common deadline that comes into play for a personal injury case is the statute of limitations. This statute serves as the deadline by which you can file an injury lawsuit. If you wait until after the statute of limitations expires, you are likely barred from ever pursuing your claim.

Your attorney could ensure you protect your legal rights and adhere to these firm deadlines.

Your Injuries Could Worsen Over Time

You might find that your seemingly minor injuries have worsened in the days or weeks following an accident. At first, you might have experienced little more than minor soreness, but over time, the full scope of your injuries could become clear. According to Pain Practice, the onset of whiplash symptoms could be delayed for days or months after an accident, leaving a person to deal with chronic pain throughout their lives.

For this reason, it is risky to categorize a truck accident as minor in the first place. You could find yourself attempting to resolve a “minor” accident claim that suddenly has developed into a major medical concern. To avoid putting your claim at risk, an attorney can help you assess the full extent of your losses.

You May Be Able to Sue Multiple Parties

Managing one minor claim against a single defendant is one thing. Pursuing multiple claims against multiple defendants is another thing entirely. Truck accidents frequently involve more than one defendant.

In addition to a negligent truck driver, you could also potentially have a claim against their employer, the government entity responsible for the road conditions, or the manufacturer of the vehicle itself. Dealing with each of these parties on your own could be more than you are prepared to handle.

An Attorney Can Help You with Your Truck Accident Claim

If you are unsure whether you should hire a truck accident lawyer for a minor accident, our team can help you understand your situation. That is why we always offer truck accident victims the opportunity to meet with us for a free consultation.

At no cost to you, we will review your claim and advise you if we can help. You might be surprised at the compensation we could seek on your behalf. If you have questions about your truck accident claim, call (702) 707-5934 for your free consultation today.

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“After being in an accident my friend told me to call High Stakes Injury Law. A lawyer named Brian came to my home to meet with me and started my claim immediately. The legal team was extremely efficient, responded back to me quickly, listened to my concerns, and handled everything with speed and accuracy. Every step of the way was communicated. I received my settlement in 10 months’ time. I highly recommend using Berstein and Poisson. Thank you for helping get my life back on track.”

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