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Options For Help For Survivors Of Sexual Abuse

January 09, 2013

One of the obvious reasons that sexual abuse incidents are so under-reported is because of the fear and shame that is felt by the survivor. Another reason is that people in this position are often unaware of how they should proceed and who they should tell. Below you will find an overview of the options for help available to people who have been sexually abused. If you or a loved one has been the victim of sexual abuse, we encourage you to get in touch with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. You have rights and may be entitled to take legal action.

Discuss your case with a compassionate Las Vegas attorney at no cost or obligation: (702) 707-5934.


  • Contact law enforcement. Clearly, the first instinct for anyone who has been sexually abused is to contact law enforcement to report this serious crime. However, many people are unaware of what department to talk to and many others are skeptical that anything can be done if they do file a report. People in this position should make sure that those who are responsible for this type of an action are investigated and perhaps even arrested and prosecuted for what they have done.
  • Join a support group. There are many different types of support groups that have come about in recent years that are specifically designed to help those who have survived sexual abuse. These groups can help people who may feel completely isolated and alone as they struggle to put the pieces of their lives back together after such a devastating experience, and they should be taken advantage of by those who need this type of help.
  • Talk to a lawyer about seeking compensation. There are many instances of sexual abuse where the person responsible for this reprehensible act could be held liable by way of a personal injury lawsuit. If such a lawsuit is filed and it’s successful, a plaintiff in this action could recover compensation that will help him or her pay for the care that will be needed and to cover any other losses that have been incurred as a result of the abuse.


People who have been sexually abused represent a portion of society that suffers silently and intensely. People in this position need to be heard and those responsible for this type of harm need to be held accountable. If you or someone you love has survived sexual abuse, please contact our Las Vegas injury attorneys to discuss your legal rights. High Stakes Injury Law offers free case reviews – don’t wait to take action.

Contact High Stakes Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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