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Nevada Not In Compliance With Federal Drunk Driving Prevention

March 01, 2013

It would take volumes of pages to fully trace how money flows from the federal to the state governments across the country and why certain things are provided, but one of the ways in which this happens involves the federal government sending money to states for highway maintenance and construction. However, there are strings attached to these highway funds, and one of those strings involves the requirement that states use a certain portion of this money for programs that are designed to help drunk driving prevention. Examples of these uses include awareness campaigns and additional law enforcement efforts.

Recently, Nevada was informed by the federal government that they are not currently in compliance with these federal rules and that the ways in which they spend this money is under review.

Below you will find a brief overview of this situation and how it could lead to harm for motorists in the state at the hands of drunk drivers. Anyone who has been injured by a drunk driver needs to seek the help of experienced Las Vegas accident lawyers as soon as possible.


Records indicate that the federal government has warned Nevada that as much as $7.3 million of the federal funds that come the state’s way could be diverted to drunk driving safety programs after a review of the spending is complete. Other states that have been in violation of this rule have spent this money on construction and maintenance among other things. What this could mean for the motorists of Nevada is that if there has not been enough awareness regarding drunk driving provided and/or there has not been enough of a law enforcement effort to arrest those who are driving under the influence, drunk driving and Nevada DUI accidents could rise as a result. This could lead many people to an extremely difficult position where they are forced to have to stand up for their legal rights.


Despite the possibility that Nevada is not in compliance with federal rules regarding the allocation of highway funds, people who do cause DUI accidents in the state that lead to serious injuries or to fatalities will most likely be arrested and prosecuted for serious crimes. However, there are other options for justice available to those who have suffered in this manner. People who are injured by drunk drivers can file Nevada personal injury lawsuits against those responsible for these crashes and resulting losses. Successful lawsuits will lead to awards of damages that help to compensate plaintiffs for such losses as medical costs, lost income and pain and suffering depending on the specific circumstances of the case. If you or someone you love has been harmed by a drunk driver, you need to seek the help of Las Vegas accident lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of clients for many years. Contact High Stakes Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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