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Las Vegas Trucking Accident On I-15 Gives Rise To 5 Important Questions

December 17, 2013

Approximately 1,500 Nevada trucking accidents occur every year where 18-wheelers either cause or otherwise become involved in crashes. This is a large number, but it is hardly surprising considering the fact that Nevada sits where it does, as basic geography means that trucks are constantly coming here and passing through either on their way to or from other destinations in the western United States. People who are injured in these trucking accidents often discover that they face a difficult situation with regards to pursuing and obtaining a recovery of compensation for the losses that they have incurred. These difficulties arise for several different reasons. On Saturday, December the 14th, two people were injured in a Las Vegas trucking accident that occurred on Interstate 15 near the Charleston exit. An article providing a brief description of the incident can be found here. While no cause for the crash was released and no fault was assigned, the situation does lead to an opportunity to provide people with some of the questions that need to be immediately answered if they are wrongfully injured in this type of a crash. These questions are best answered by experienced Las Vegas accident lawyers. Below are five examples of those questions.

  • Who Caused the Crash?

The first and most obvious question that needs to be asked relates to the cause of the crash. This can be determined by reviewing the police report of the incident and perhaps discussing the matter with people who were either involved or who witnessed the accident.

  • Which Insurance Companies Are Involved?

If it’s likely that the truck driver caused the crash, the next question that needs to be answered deals with the identity of the insurance company or companies involved. That’s because the attorneys handling the case will contact those insurance companies to prevent them from speaking directly to those who were injured.

  • Did the Employer Know the Status of the Driver?

According to the article linked above, the truck driver was arrested after the crash for an unrelated felony warrant. Employers are responsible for the backgrounds of the drivers that they hire, so some specifics regarding this issue would likely need to be explored.

  • What Are the Actual Damages?

A critically important step that must be taken after a crash like this occurs involves quantifying the losses that have been suffered. In addition, people need to obtain an understanding of what they could lose in the future.

  • Has Any Contact Been Made With the Other Side?

It usually doesn’t take long for insurance companies or defense attorneys to get in touch with people who were wrongfully injured in a trucking accident. Las Vegas accident lawyers will need to determine if any contact was made and if so, what was said between the two sides. If you or someone you love has been harmed in a crash, seek immediate medical attention but do not speak to anyone until you obtain legal help. Contact High Stakes Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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