Car Accident Fatality Numbers Continue To Rise In The Las Vegas Area
March 14, 2014
There has been a strong reaction to the new approach being used by area law enforcement members with regards to not reporting to the scenes of car accidents with no injuries. Motorists are concerned about what they should do if they are involved in an accident and insurance companies are concerned about the possibility that fraud could become more common. As a result, there have been many articles that have been published recently dealing with those issues.
So far, there is no indication that this new approach used by police departments will change. Every now and then, an article written for one purpose will contain information that the public should be aware of that may not necessarily have anything to do with the main topic. Such an article was published recently regarding the concerns of insurance companies with this new system, and a link to that informative piece can be found here. The fact that was perhaps most striking in the story was that which dealt with the number of fatalities caused by auto accidents within the Las Vegas Metro jurisdiction in recent years.
Unfortunately, the number of people in the area killed in car accidents appears to be on the rise, and that number seems to be rising quickly. In 2011 Las Vegas Metro police recorded a total of 62 fatalities that occurred because of car accidents, which is more than one person every week. That is a troubling number, but fatalities because of car accidents rose to 99 in 2012, which equates to nearly two people per week. 2013 turned out to be even worse, as the Las Vegas Metro police recorded 114 fatalities because of crashes. As can be seen, the number of fatalities caused by car accidents in the area has nearly doubled since 2011. That is a trend that people should be aware of so that something can be done about it.
On an individual level, people can commit themselves to driving more defensively and more attentively. Correcting even one bad driving habit can make the difference between arriving at destinations safely and encountering disaster. On a more collective level, people who are injured in car accidents and those who lose loved ones need to step up and hold those responsible drivers accountable for the harm that they inflict. That can be done by making sure that those who cause crashes pay damages either themselves or through their insurance companies that help to compensate those who have endured losses.
If enough people take this step, it could deter others from making mistakes or driving recklessly, and every time that happens a life could be saved. If you or someone you love has suffered because of the negligence of other drivers, you need to take steps to protect your legal rights. Contact the Las Vegas injury lawyers at High Stakes Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.
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