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5 Surprising Facts Regarding Where Slip And Fall Accidents Occur

August 08, 2013

Thousands of people are killed in slip and fall accidents across the United States every year. Most people would guess a number that is much lower than that, but the fact of the matter is that according to the federal government, more than 50 people are killed every day in these types of incidents. This number is also growing, and the situation has reached a point where people need to generally become more aware of what is involved with slip and fall accidents so that they can avoid becoming part of an increasingly troubling set of data. One of the more surprising aspects of slip and fall accidents that occur in the United States involves where they tend to occur. Most people would guess that older people are more likely to be harmed or killed in slip and fall accidents than those who have not yet reached the age of 65, but some of the facts regarding where these accidents occur are most likely going to be surprising to the people who see them.

1.The bathroom and the kitchen account for more than 75 percent of all slip and fall injuries.

Most people tend to think of stairs or stoops when they visualize slip and fall accidents that take place in homes, but bathrooms and kitchens are where the vast majority of these incidents occur. That makes sense because the floors in these rooms can be extremely slippery.

2. Slip and fall accidents are the number one cause of injurious accidents in public buildings.

This should also make sense considering that the majority of these slip and fall accidents occur in hotels and restaurants. Floors here can be slippery as well, and the lighting can be dim and people can be unfamiliar with their surroundings.

3. More than 60 percent of slip and fall accidents occur on same-level surfaces.

As stated above, many people think of these accidents and begin to visualize stairs. However, more than half of the people who are injured in slip and falls suffer those injuries on same-level surfaces. This means that they may slip on a foreign substance on the floor or because of some small bump that happens to be in place at the time.

4. Slip and falls that happen at work account for 15 percent of workers’ compensation claims.

Workers’ compensation is a program that exists in every state that allows for people who have been injured at work to collect benefits that include medical care and at least partial payments for lost income.

5. 50 percent of slip and fall accidents occur inside of the home of the person who is injured.

This statistic should come as only a slight surprise considering the fact that we spend more time in our homes than anywhere else. It also means that millions of people endure slip and fall accidents outside of their homes on an annual basis in the United States. If you are one of the many people who has been injured while somewhere other than your home because of a slip and fall accident, contact the Las Vegas injury lawyers at High Stakes Injury Law today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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